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Our Vision

An exciting school where children are healthy and safe in a caring and supportive environment. (CHILD)

  • A happy, welcoming and inclusive school where communication is highly valued and everyone has a voice. (CHILD)
  • A school focused on high expectations of pupils’ learning and achievements. (PUPIL)

Executive Headteacher’s Introduction and Explanation

At Swalecliffe, we are committed to meeting the needs of the whole child in a child first, pupil second philosophy. We want children to be happysafe and secure at school, and recognise they have basic requirements that need to be met before they can be successful pupils. Put simply, unhappy children will not learn effectively.

Praise and a genuine interest in the children is vital in motivating them (adopting their ideas and taking account of their views are powerful examples of this). Swalecliffe School is a no put-down zone, where children are cared for and cared about, and never ridiculed or belittled. Progress in any field is made, praised and rewarded in a culture which is caring and tolerant whilst demanding the highest standards of learning, achievement and behaviour. Our school rules are 'Ready, Respectful, Safe' for children and adults alike. 

We have a broad, child-centred curriculum which offers children learning that is both relevant to them and interesting (exciting) for them, whilst ensuring as a pre-requisite they develop the essential skills in reading, writing and maths.

We believe that Early Years and the start of school is  important to get right: get the start right and it makes the rest of children’s education so much more likely to be happy and successful.

We believe that learning must be tailored to the individual needs of the children in the class and that every class needs addressing differently to ensure equality of opportunity.

It is a challenge to make this a reality of course, but one that is worth the time and effort involved. If we do so we will have achieved our three main aims, which are:

  1. To continue to build on all that is exceptional about Swalecliffe. 

  2. To continue to ensure that Swalecliffe is the best school we can be. 

  3. To achieve this together. 


Mr B Cooper
Executive Headteacher