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British Values

At Swalecliffe Community Primary School, we recognise that all schools have an important part to play in the teaching and promotion of traditional British Values. Indeed, the government has made it a part of the school inspection process to evaluate how well a school is promoting these values.

At Swalecliffe, we strongly believe that our Co-Operative School Values match very closely with the British Values, which are:

  1. Democracy
  2. Justice/Rule of Law
  3. Individual Liberty
  4. Mutual Respect
  5. Tolerance

These values, with guidance outlined by the Department for Education on the 27th November 2014, are not new and build upon the work of the ‘Prevent Strategy 2011’. 

From the Foundation Stage through to Year 6, our children learn how to make decisions, to understand the difference between right and wrong, to share with their peers and respect their right to be themselves, accepting similarities and differences. There are numerous examples throughout our curriculum where we would promote and explain these values and also specific teaching opportunities and time for reflection on these values.