Governor Body Structure
The Strategy Committee is expected to work within the following terms of reference:
- Regularly review the vision and values of the school and ensure that these are shared with all stakeholders.
- To review annually how pupils, parents and staff regard the school.
- To review and update the SEF and SDP.
- To ensure that the governing body complies with all legal requirements, including the required details on the school website.
- To ensure that the school provides teaching of religious education for all pupils in accordance with the agreed syllabus or has informed parents of their right to withdraw their child.
- To ensure the school provides an appropriate daily act of worship.
- To adopt and review the home school agreement.
- To approve the School Prospectus.
The Education & Curriculum Committee
Is expected to work within the following terms of reference with a focus on monitoring the School Development Plan:
- To monitor the curriculum policies.
- To monitor progress against the targets of the School Development Plan.
- To understand the performance data for the school, including those children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.
- To meet with the lead professionals within the school to understand the scope of the curriculum targets and the activities the school is conducting to achieve success.
- To evaluate the work of the SLT in monitoring the quality of teaching and learning.
- To evaluate the extent of success at the end of the set timescale.
- To monitor pupil achievement against targets.
The Resources Committee
Is expected to work within the following terms of reference, with a focus on monitoring:
- To determine the staff complement in consultation with the Headteacher and recommend to the full governing body.
- To maintain an up-to-date ‘balanced’ three-year budget plan.
- To evaluate and recommend the annual budget.
- To report monitoring and rollover to the full governing body, highlighting any significant variances.
- Evaluate any virement recommendations and report them to the governing body.
- Analyse and report on Tenders for Contract Services.
- To be actively engaged in LM Scheme consultations.
- To benchmark financial performance against similar schools and report to the governing body.
- To analyse and recommend the annual Statement of Internal Control and present it to the full governing body.
- To evaluate proposed expenditures, follow the recommendations from the headteacher and present them to the governing body.
- To ensure that the school has achieved the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) or is working towards it.
- To ensure that all spending provides ‘value for money’ in raising education standards and to sign the annual Best Value Statement.
- To monitor and evaluate the management of the voluntary fund and to receive the audited accounts.
- To engage in strategic planning.
- To annually review and approve the Charging and Remissions policy.
- To make decisions concerning service agreements and insurance.
- To advise the full governing body on the consultation on changing the LA Finance Scheme.
- Premises and Insurance.
- Seek advice from the LA where appropriate to ensure adequate building insurance and personal liability levels.
- To procure and maintain buildings, including monitoring a properly funded maintenance plan and school buildings strategy.
- To develop and monitor the implementation of a school buildings strategy and contribute to LA Asset Management Planning Arrangements Health & Safety.
- To ensure that Health & Safety regulations are followed and prioritised appropriately.
- To monitor the Health & Safety Policy, including three-term visits.
The Full Governing Body
Is expected to work within the following terms of reference, with a focus on monitoring:
- To draw up an Instrument of Government and any amendments.
- To appoint (or remove) the Chair and Vice Chair.
- To appoint (or dismiss) the Clerk to the governing body.
- To appoint and remove community, sponsor governors and any associate members.
- To recruit new governors as vacancies arise.
- To set up a register of Governors’ Business Interests.
- To decide which functions of the Governing Body will be delegated to a Committee or an individual.
- To regulate the governing body, procedures were not set out in law and to record these as Standing Orders.
- To suspend a governor.
- To receive reports from any Committee or individual to whom a delegation has been made and to consider whether any further action by the Governing Body is necessary.
- To delegate to the Headteacher the functions described in the Delegation of Functions to Headteacher Standing Order.
- To review the delegation arrangements annually.
- Arrange a suitable induction process and mentoring for newly appointed or elected governors.
- To ensure that the Headteacher provides such reports as requested by the governing body to undertake its role.
- To receive annual reports on racial incidents
- To approve all school trips involving an overnight stay away from home
- Approval of the first formal budget plan each year is required.
- To annually review and approve the Finance Policy and recommend levels of delegation
- To make Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher appointments
- To establish a governor's panel to hear staff appeals against dismissal and redundancy/Performance Management
- To determine the timing of the performance management review cycle of the Headteacher and appoint two of three governors to act as reviewers.
- To monitor pupil numbers and report to the Strategy Committee