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Financial Information


Staff Salaries Information

Employee salary information (earning over £100k per annum)

Maintained schools must publish salary information on any employee whose gross salary exceeds £100,000 per annum.   

In 2023-24, no employees had a gross salary in excess of that amount.

Financial Benchmarking

Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) – School’s Income, Expenditure and Balances

We use benchmarking to evaluate our financial use against similar schools.

Please follow this link to this school’s information on the DfE’s national school’s benchmarking website:

Click here to go to the webpage with our school's benchmarking information. 

Here, you can view the school’s income, expenditures, and balances and compare them with those of other maintained schools and academies. The information on the website is updated annually by the DfE using the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statements that the school submits to the DfE in the summer term.