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Curriculum Intent Statement


Independence, collaboration, reflection and resilience are the four qualities and skills that we have identified as being the most important ingredients for our children to become outstanding learners.

Our curriculum is designed to cover all subjects from the national curriculum with a sensible balance between all subjects and a keenness to apply basic skills from English and Maths to other areas of the curriculum. In each subject, we have identified Essential Learning that we consider crucial for children to progressively build skills and knowledge. These are taught under the umbrella of a Connector theme which allows us to organise learning into a coherent whole.

Our intent is to foster an awareness of the ecological issues facing our world and we do so through environmentally friendly practices in school but also by using the local coastal area to learn about the impact of our actions. Wherever possible, we try to make use of the outdoor environment to support and inspire our pupils’ learning. We pride ourselves on our community school and celebrate the local area but also recognise that we are part of a diverse and varied nation and explore what it means to be British. We place great value on the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural aspects of our curriculum as we recognise that these help to shape the characters of our pupils. Our school is a foundation member of the Coastal Alliance Cooperative Trust (CACoT) and we subscribe to the cooperative values which also permeate our curriculum. This collaboration gives rise to many opportunities for pupils to experience enrichment activities in the local area and further afield.

We endeavour to prepare pupils for a life of learning and to link their learning to their real lives and contexts. For this reason, each year we plan for the children to undertake three Life Skills Challenges in their year groups. These are designed to develop Entrepreneurial Skills, to serve the Community (local, national or global) and to Make a Positive Contribution to the school.

Our curriculum is rich in knowledge content and comprehensive in skills development. Everything we do is underpinned by the development of varied and inspiring language and vocabulary. We have committed to providing high quality reading material to complement and enrich our curriculum, to inspire our children to become real readers and to develop this rich vocabulary.

Finally, through our core curriculum, our range of enrichment activities and our extracurricular opportunities, we aim to encourage our children to aspire to be the best they can, to develop ambitions for the future and not to place limits on what they can achieve!